In just a few short weeks, the coronavirus has impacted our community in unprecedented ways. While COVID-19 has understandably left many people feeling frightened, uncertain and anxious, it has also given many people a reason to focus on what they can do as individuals to help the community as a whole. There are many ways to protect one’s health and also support your community during coronavirus during this difficult period.
8 Ways to Support Your Community During Coronavirus
Although we are not certain of when this pandemic will come to an end, there are many ways to offer your help to your community without putting yourself or others in harm’s way. Here are just a few ideas:

- Be courteous. – Most people are feeling stress and anxiety during this difficult time. It is important to remain patient and be courteous to loved ones and others you may come across.
- Stay vigilant on the road. – For those individuals who are leaving the house for essential errands or to go to work, please remain vigilant and stay focused on driving. It is easy to become distracted by swarming thoughts or to drive with less caution due to less cars on the road. However, it only takes a second for an accident to happen. Please pay attention behind the wheel and obey all traffic laws. Pedestrians and bicyclists should also remain vigilant. Do not be distracted by handheld devices. Also, do not assume that drivers are paying attention. Use additional caution at intersections and when crossing streets.
- Support local businesses. – Small businesses need your support to survive during this pandemic. You can support local businesses in a variety of ways such as ordering food online for pick-up or delivery, shopping online, mentioning them on social media, and spreading the word about their services. If you are unable to spend money, leave an online review for your favorite local businesses.
- Take care of yourself in order to care for others. – The best way to support and protect your community is by following all guidelines recommended by the Center for Disease Control (CDC). Protect yourself and others by practicing social distancing, maintaining your personal hygiene, and disinfect all surfaces.
- Stay connected. – Reach out to friends and family members who might be facing social distancing alone. There are many ways to stay connected including text messaging, online video chatting, and social media.
- Consider donating to medical causes. – There has been a severe shortage of blood and medical supplies. If you are able to, consider donating blood to your local blood bank or make a contribution to the World Health Organization.
- Assist your neighbors. – Individuals who are 65 years of age or older are most at risk for coronavirus. Consider reaching out to your elderly neighbors who are most at risk and offer your assistance. This may mean grocery shopping for them or picking up any other essential items they may need.
- Show your gratitude. – Various workers are continuously working towards fulfilling the needs of the community such as sanitation engineers, doctors, nurses, delivery personnel and many others. Offer your gratitude and show them they are appreciated for all their hard work.
Our number one priority is to flatten the curve in order to get back to normal as soon as possible. We urge everyone to follow local government and CDC recommendations to stay at home. For Miami locals, our city has been recommended to stay indoors until April 30, 2020.
Panter, Panter & Sampedro is currently accepting cases and working remotely to fulfill all current cases. We work towards supporting our community and protecting Florida’s families. If you have recently suffered negligence, personal injury, or an auto accident please contact us and let us assist you. Contact us by calling (305) 662-6178 or visit