For over 20 years, the attorneys at Panter, Panter & Sampedro, P.A., have worked to protect the rights of individuals and families injured by the negligence of others. Now, the firm is adding whistleblower claims and qui tam lawsuits to its list of practice areas through partnerships with local attorneys.The False Claims Act allows private citizens to sue companies (often their employer) on behalf of the United States government. These matters are called whistleblower lawsuits because the citizen — or relator, as they are called — “blows the whistle” by telling the government, through a lawyer, about corporate fraud or other misdeeds that cause harm to patients, taxpayers, the government or others hurt by a company’s bad behavior.Because of the importance of bringing these wrongdoers to justice and the large sums of money typically in play, the rewards for the whistleblower can be correspondingly large. Successful suits can result in payments to the whistleblower amounting to 15 to 25 percent of the total recovery. Several cases in recent years have resulted in recoveries in excess of $1 billion.”In these types of lawsuits, we work with lawyers, including former government prosecutors, who have handled some of the largest and most successful of these cases. For example, two of their cases have resulted in settlements well in excess of $1 billion, resulting in multimillion-dollar awards to the whistleblowers who brought these cases to the attention of the government,” says Mitch Panter, managing partner of Panter, Panter & Sampedro.Situations giving rise to whistleblower and qui tam lawsuits can include: - Medicare and Medicaid fraud
- IRS fraud
- Corporate fraud
- Government fraud
“If you or someone you know has reason to believe that a company is engaged in behaviors such as those described above, it is critically important to seek the assistance of a team of lawyers who are deeply experienced in whistleblower lawsuits, not only to optimize potential recoveries, but also to help minimize your personal and professional risk, including identity and job protections,” adds Panter.
To contact the firm of Panter, Panter & Sampedro, please call 305-662-6178.