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Halloween 150 150 Panter, Panter & Sampedro


Happy Halloween
Wishing you a safe and a
Happy Halloween!
Beware of Candy Dangers This Halloween

Most parents are aware of the importance of inspecting their children’s candy for unwrapped packages, discarding opened or unidentifiable items as potential threats.  They’re also used to scanning labels for fat, sugar, and harmful allergens.


This Halloween, police want parents to be aware of the potential new threat in disguise: drugs masquerading as candy.


Ecstasy/MDMA Pills Made to Look Like Tempting Treats


Police in Jackson, Mississippi, shared a picture on their Facebook page which showed some of the many forms that the dangerous club drug known as Ecstasy or MDMA can take.


In the examples shown, the pill form of the drug comes in cartoon like shapes such as dominoes or the Facebook “like” thumbs up sign.  The various forms of the drug could be fatally misleading to children, as the forms are clearly intended to make them look like fun candy products found on the shelves of stores.


This is a threat to public safety at any time of year, but particularly during the Halloween season, when children are far more likely to have access to wide varieties of candy, and venture to try something unfamiliar to them.


Jackson police did not cite a specific threat or intent for these drugs to be placed in children’s Halloween treat bags, but wanted parents nationwide to be aware of the seemingly innocuous faces that this potentially deadly drug can take on.


THC Candy on the Rise


Parents should also be aware of the prevalence of candy and other foods laced with THC, the main chemical found in marijuana.  While there have not been specific instances of THC-infused candy being given intentionally to children, the so-called “edibles” are manufactured in forms similar to common candy like gummy bears.


As marijuana becomes legal in more parts of the United States, production of such candy copycats are on the rise.  The delayed onset and higher potency of ingested THC versus smoked marijuana make the edibles a concern for both children who might accidentally ingest it, as well as teens who might intentionally take it without understanding its effects.


Caution is Key


Parents are urged, as always, to go through all of their children’s candy and to toss out anything that seems suspicious for any reason.  Halloween can be a fun and safe time of year if parents, teachers, and other concerned adults are aware of potential risks.


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