There are a lot of questions about the Coronavirus. Mitch Panter shares a message about the Coronavirus and how it’s affecting the legal community. First and foremost, everyone at Panter, Panter & Sampedro wishes for everyone be healthy and stay vigilant by doing everything they can to stay healthy. From a legal viewpoint, there are several different issues that we have to talk about. As with any negligence case, the issues are going to center around three main focus areas. One is liability or fault. Did somebody do something wrong to cause people to obtain the Coronavirus? The next is that of causation. Was that liability the cause of the problem? And finally, damages. What happened as a result of you getting the Coronavirus whether that be at a sporting event, a school, in a hospital, a doctor’s office, a nursing home, etc.? If you have questions, please give us a call at (305) 662-6178 or visit Stay healthy! |