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Miami Nursing Home Abuse & Neglect Lawyers

Panter, Panter & Sampedro is a leading personal injury law firm dedicated to protecting Florida’s families. For over 30 years, our experienced trial attorneys have worked one-on-one with clients to successfully get the justice, recovery and compensation they deserve.

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Nursing Home Neglect Lawyers

There are around 84,448 nursing home beds in the state of Florida, according to the Florida Health Care Association. Florida is known throughout the world as a good place to retire, thanks to our favorable tax laws, our near endless sunshine and the friendly people who populate our state. 

Unfortunately, however, nursing home neglect and abuse is all too common. According to the National Center on Elder Abuse, around 10% of all seniors suffer some form of abuse. It is a tragedy that happens every single day in nursing homes all over the country.

That is where we come in. If you or a loved one has been abused or neglected while in a nursing home, we can help. Our experienced team of nursing home malpractice attorneys has what it takes to win your case. We have already helped many people in Miami and throughout Florida, and we are ready to help you out today.

Nursing Home Abuse

Sadly, there are many different forms of nursing home abuse that take place. An estimated 5 million elders are abused each year. As nursing home lawyers, we want you to be able to understand the different types of abuse that happen every day. They include: 

  • Psychological Abuse
  • Financial Abuse
  • Physical Abuse
  • Sexual Abuse

Signs of Abuse

1. Signs of Psychological Abuse

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Paranoia
  • Moodiness
  • Social Withdrawl

2. Signs of Financial Abuse

  • Unexplained withdrawals from bank accounts
  • Changes in power of attorney
  • Changes in property titles
  • Changes in wills
  • Changes in life insurance policies
  • Missing cash
  • ATM withdrawals if the elderly person is bedridden
  • Adding names to a credit card

3. Signs of Physical Abuse

  • Unexplained broken bones
  • Bruising on the body
  • Failing to take medications
  • Signs of restraint, such as rope marks on an elder’s wrist
  • Broken glasses
  • The caregiver not letting you alone with the elderly person

4. Signs of Sexual Abuse

  • Stained, bloody or torn undergarments
  • Unexplained STIs
  • Bruising in private areas
  • Bleeding in private areas

Nursing Home Neglect

What is nursing home neglect? And how is it different from nursing home abuse?

Elder abuse is intentional, where a caregiver deliberately inflicts pain on someone else. Elder neglect is not a purposeful act, but is instead someone not acting when they should. Make no mistake, this can still lead to serious harm. In some cases, it can be worse for the elderly person. 

Basically, this is when a nursing home does not provide the proper level of care for an elder.

1. Examples of Neglect

  • Not keeping a hygienic room
  • Not giving necessary medical treatments
  • Not maintaining a comfortable temperature
  • Understaffing
  • Negligent hiring practices
  • Inadequate training

2. Signs of Neglect

  • Malnutrition
  • Dehydration
  • Bedsores, pressure sores and decubitus ulcers
  • Inadequate staffing
  • Physical, verbal or sexual abuse
  • Unattended falls
  • Wandering/elopement injuries
  • Medication errors/overmedication

Suing a Nursing Home for Negligence

If you are looking to sue a nursing home, you need expert nursing home malpractice attorneys by your side. Dealing with the legal system can be incredibly difficult, especially as you deal with the trauma of having your loved one abused or neglected. Our experienced team knows what it takes to make sure that your loved ones are taken care of. 

There are many different things you can sue for. Lawsuit compensation can benefit a plaintiff by:

  • Paying for medical bills
  • Paying for mental health therapy
  • Paying for physical therapy
  • Paying for costs associated with moving
  • Receiving justice for pain and suffering

Nursing Home Liability

Many nursing homes have a duty to protect their residents from abuse and neglect. This means that, under certain circumstances, they could be held liable for what they were doing. If you are able to prove your case in front of a court, you may be able to get a fair outcome from your case. Even if you don’t make it in front of a judge, there is a good chance that you can get a good settlement and receive the money that you need.

A Strong Record of Results In Hard-Fought Nursing Home Cases

We handle personal injury and wrongful death cases in the Miami area and throughout Florida related to nursing home abuse, neglect, and other medical malpractice claims.

For over three decades, we have built a strong record of verdicts and negotiated settlements in nursing home abuse and neglect cases. Our elder abuse trial lawyers help clients secure the compensation for medical bills and as well as pain and suffering.

We approach every nursing home case with a comprehensive knowledge of the law, detailed medical research, and thorough preparation.

Uncovering patterns of nursing home abuse and neglect is not easy. An injury or death while in the care of a nursing home is not necessarily a sign of abuse or neglect. Our process includes thoroughly investigating the circumstances surrounding the injury and applying our knowledge of applicable Florida nursing home laws to determine whether abuse occurred. Another instrumental aspect of what we do involves arranging for alternate care following the injury or loss.

Contact Our Nursing Home Abuse Attorneys in Miami Today

Our firm maintains a network of legal, medical and financial professionals to help us in assessing personal injury cases. In addition, we have a critical care nurse on staff to assess injuries and help arrange for immediate alternate care.

Because the nursing home industry is dominated by national chains, the accused and their insurance companies often fight extremely hard against allegations of nursing home abuse or neglect. Any litigation defeat can make it easier for future plaintiffs to achieve favorable outcomes as well. We are not intimidated by their efforts or resources.

If you suspect your elderly or ill loved one is being mistreated in any way, we can help. At Panter, Panter & Sampedro, our entire legal staff is sensitive to the trauma and feelings of guilt that families often experience after the abuse or neglect of a loved one in a Florida nursing home. We care about what happens to your loved one and your family.

Call 305-662-6178 for a FREE consultation with one of our expert attorneys.

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Panter, Panter & Sampedro

Personal Injury

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Panter, Panter & Sampedro is among the leading personal injury law firms in South Florida. For more than 30 years, our Board Certified trial attorneys have represented individuals injured by negligent parties in cases of significant size and complexity across various practice areas.

    We are a different kind of law firm, with the legal skill and expertise needed to serve our clients, and an unwavering dedication to family values.

    We believe our success, both inside and outside the courtroom, is defined by what we care about — it’s that simple. Panter, Panter & Sampedro is an award-winning personal injury law firm — but more than that — it is a group of people that genuinely cares about protecting the rights of individuals suffering as a result of wrongdoing and negligence.

  • With a track record of success in working closely with each client, our legal team has secured millions of dollars in compensation for thousands of accident victims and their families over the course of three decades. We guide our clients through the entire legal proceedings, from filing the initial complaint to assisting with the proper distribution of funds once compensation is awarded.

    Our vast trial experience includes substantial verdicts and settlements in cases involving motor vehicle accidents, medical malpractice, product liability, slip-and-fall, catastrophic injuries, wrongful death and more.

    Panter, Panter & Sampedro’s proven team of civil trial lawyers are relied upon by the Miami and South Florida community to protect their rights and ensure justice is served by securing the best verdicts and recoveries possible.

    When our firm takes on a personal injury claim, we aggressively represent our clients and fight for the maximum compensation under the law. Rest assured that no matter how difficult the case, we are prepared to serve as your most ardent legal advocates and welcome the opportunity to hold the culpable parties accountable.  

    Panter, Panter & Sampedro proudly serves residents throughout South Florida — including Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach Counties.

  • No recovery, no fees.

    We believe that everyone, regardless of their financial status, should have access to sound legal counsel as they exercise their right to pursue justice and redress any harm or wrongdoing.

    At Panter, Panter & Sampedro, all our services are offered on a “contingency fee” basis, which means that any payment to the firm completely depends on whether our efforts result in a financial recovery for our client.

    Any lawyer’s fees for representing the client will be deducted from the final personal injury settlement in the client’s case or from the damages awarded after a favorable verdict, in the event that the client’s case goes to trial.

    In general, attorneys can receive up to one-third of the gross amount of a pre-suit settlement or 40% of the gross settlement recovery once a Defendant files an answer to a lawsuit. These rules are regulated by the Florida Bar, and the following summarizes our contingency fee policy:

    • Client enters into an agreement granting legal authority to the firm to represent the client in exchange for attorneys fees paid in the form of a percentage of the total recovery.
    • The firm assumes all up-front financial costs and risk associated with litigating the case. All of these expenses are paid by the firm, and are only repaid if a recovery is won.
    • The client pays no fees whatsoever, hourly or otherwise.
    • The firm’s contingency fee percentage varies based on the type of case, level of complexity, and the foreseeable resources required to litigate it properly.
    • Every case is unique, but the contingency fee percentage is always clearly agreed upon by both parties and documented in writing upon retaining our services.
  • We can. Call 305-662-6178 or submit a request for your FREE CONSULTATION to speak directly with one of our knowledgeable personal injury lawyers. We will review your case at no charge. To learn more about personal injury, please read below.

    Personal injury law, also known as tort law, is designed to protect you if you or your property is injured or harmed because of someone else’s act or failure to act. In a successful tort action, the one who caused the injury or harm compensates the one who suffered the losses.

    Every tort claim, regardless of its basis, whether intentional, negligence, or strict liability, has two basic issues—liability and damages. Was the defendant liable for the damages you sustained, and, if so, what is the nature and extent of your damages? If you can prove liability and damages, our system of justice will award you compensation for your loss.

    Personal injury cases can involve:

Personal Injury

Traffic Accidents

Medical Malpractice

Premises Liability

Product Liability

Catastrophic Injuries

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