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Florida pit bull quarantined after biting girl

Florida pit bull quarantined after biting girl

Florida pit bull quarantined after biting girl 150 150 Panter, Panter & Sampedro

After a 7-year-old girl in Land O’ Lakes was injured by a neighborhood dog, the pit bull is now reportedly in quarantine as the owner decides what to do. The girl’s mother has pressed for the dog to be euthanized in the wake of the alleged attack.

On the night of June 18, the girl was playing with a neighbor’s pit bull that was on a leash held by the neighbor. As the girl attempted to embrace the dog, the pit bull reportedly bit her cheek. The girl was taken to a doctor and received 28 stitches to treat the serious cuts on her face. The Pasco County Animal Control ordered that the dog be quarantined within its owner’s home, two doors down from the victim, for 10 days pending the results of a rabies test.

According to the victim’s attorney, the dog’s owners may have been in violation of their lease agreement, which reportedly prohibits keeping pit bulls on the premises. When asked for comment by the media, the occupants of the dog owner’s home threatened to call the authorities. While the owner originally planned to put the animal down, he is now looking into an animal rescue shelter for the pit bull. The mother of the injured girl believes that the dog should be put to sleep due to its “aggressive” tendencies that led to the serious injury.

In animal attack situations like this, the dog owner may be found legally liable for any damage done by their pet should an injured victim choose to pursue a civil claim against them. An attorney with experience in dog bite cases could help by assessing the evidence and determining the liability of the owner. The attorney may then be able to file a lawsuit in civil court to recover compensation for medical expenses and other damages.

Source: WTSP, “Young girl was bitten in face by neighborhood dog”, Mark Rivera, June 24, 2014

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