Bench & Bar Unit – B’nai B’rith President’s Message
Bench & Bar Unit
B’nai B’Rith Miami, Florida
October 1996
I have enjoyed be-ing the President of B’Nai B’Rith Bench & Bar Unit here in Miami.
My year as President has given me an opportunity to be a spokesperson for the Jewish Community and to get to know some of our committed long time members.
At this time, I am looking forward to our Second Annual Dinner where I will pass the Torch of Leadership to your new President, David Mandel.
I am very proud to have become part of the tradition of B’Nai B’Rith Bench & Bar and I know that David Mandel looks forward to his year as President and wilt also he a committed leader and spokesperson for B’Nai B’Rith Bench & Bar David has already shown his commitment to our organization by chairing the Second Annual Dinner and is in the pro-cess of putting together what is sure to be a great Dinner and function for B’Nai B’Rith Bench & Bar.
A brief comment on our next Religious Holiday:
Rosh Hashanah is upon us and by the time you receive this Newsletter we should be in the midst of Rosh Hashanah, which is the day of the Jewish New Year. There are customs and symbols which are associated with Rosh Hashanah which are well recognized. The first is the worship experience, we worship for forgiveness.
There is another tradition of eating apples and honey on Rosh Hashanah. The idea of eating honey comes from the Torah, where Israel is called a “Land of Milk and Honey” due to the potential for abundance of food and quality of life there. Perhaps the reason we eat these things is because we wish for only sweet things to happen to us in the coining year. I certainly wish that all of the members, friends and family of B’Nai B’Rith Bench & Bar have a good healthy and happy year. Perhaps one of the most familiar symbols of Rosh Hashanah is that of the Shofar (rams horn). The blowing of the Shofar of Rosh Hashanah reminds us well to he prepared for the coming year and as Jews have been listening to the Shofar for many years. It is the Shofar that stirs in us the hope. We as Jews must always be prepared for the corn-ing year. It is clear that the years in front of us pose great challenges. The challenges we face are continuously changing. There arc challenges which often times are hard to see such as the bigotry, hatred and racism which is growing perhaps in a more insidious and secretive way than it existed in the past. However we as Jews must continue to be steadfast in preparation and education and we will continue to sur-vive and flourish. We will take the time necessary to review our deeds and our thoughts of ourselves in the world and make the coming year 5757 a year of sweetness, health and happiness.
Best wishes and thank you for allowing me to serve as your President for the past year.