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Attorney to Sue Hospital Surgeon After Fatal Surgical Error

Attorney to Sue Hospital Surgeon After Fatal Surgical Error

Attorney to Sue Hospital Surgeon After Fatal Surgical Error 940 788 Panter, Panter & Sampedro

When a surgical error leads to tragic consequences, it is crucial to seek justice and accountability. The recent case of a Florida surgeon who mistakenly removed a patient’s liver instead of his spleen has prompted a significant legal response. Beverly Bryan, the widow of William Bryan, who died as a result of this mistake, has enlisted an attorney to sue the hospital and the surgeon involved. This lawsuit aims to address the grave negligence exhibited during the operation and seeks to hold those responsible accountable for their actions.

Surgeon Mistakenly Removes Patient’s Liver Leading to His Death 

In August 2024, a catastrophic error occurred at Ascension Sacred Heart Emerald Coast Hospital in Miramar Beach, Florida. William Bryan, a 70-year-old individual visiting the state, was scheduled for a routine splenectomy. Dr. Thomas Shaknovsky, the attending surgeon, performed the operation but mistakenly removed Bryan’s liver instead of his spleen. This tragic error led to immediate and severe blood loss, which ultimately resulted in Bryan’s death.

Bryan, who was in Florida with his wife, Beverly, had been experiencing severe abdominal pain and was diagnosed with a spleen abnormality. Despite their initial reservations, Bryan and his wife proceeded with the surgery after Dr. Shaknovsky and the hospital’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Christopher Bacani, assured them of the necessity of the procedure. The error was discovered only after Bryan’s death when it became evident that the removed organ was his liver, not the spleen.

Victim’s Attorney to Sue Hospital and Surgeon

In response to this tragic incident, Beverly Bryan has engaged legal representation to pursue a lawsuit against Dr. Shaknovsky and Ascension Sacred Heart Emerald Coast Hospital. The legal action accuses both the surgeon and the hospital of gross negligence and malpractice. The lawsuit seeks both criminal and civil penalties, aiming to hold those responsible accountable for their actions.

The legal team representing the Bryans has highlighted a troubling pattern, noting a similar mistake made by Dr. Shaknovsky in 2023. In that incident, the surgeon allegedly removed part of a patient’s pancreas instead of the intended adrenal gland. This history of errors raises serious concerns about Dr. Shaknovsky’s competency and the oversight of the hospital.

Florida Hospital Lawsuit Lawyers

For those facing similar situations, seeking the counsel of experienced hospital lawsuit lawyers is crucial. At Panter, Panter & Sampedro, we understand the profound impact that medical negligence can have on individuals and families. Our dedicated hospital neglect lawyers are committed to providing the support and legal expertise needed to navigate these complex cases.

Our team has a proven track record of representing clients in cases involving hospital negligence and surgical errors. We work tirelessly to ensure that our clients receive the justice and compensation they deserve. If you are dealing with the aftermath of a hospital error, contact us to discuss your case and explore your legal options.

For more information about how we can assist you, visit our medical malpractice page and our hospital negligence page. Let us help you seek justice and hold those responsible accountable for their actions.







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