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Ways to Maintain Outdoor Safety on Your Property

Ways to Maintain Outdoor Safety on Your Property

Ways to Maintain Outdoor Safety on Your Property 150 150 Panter, Panter & Sampedro

Adding amenities to the outdoor areas of your home can be exciting. The prospect of increasing the value of Manor House 2359884 1280your home while also creating a place for entertainment and relaxation will bring most homeowners a sense of joy. While making plans for fun outdoor upgrades, safety should also be a top priority. As a property owner, you have an obligation to maintain a safe property for all guests, whether they are invited or not.

Keep in mind that premises liability goes beyond slip and fall accidents. For example, the concept of an “attractive nuisance” is something that could entice or lead a child to venture onto another person’s property. This principle assumes that the child doesn’t fully understand the dangers of certain items and actions, such as jumping into the pool unsupervised. With that being said, it is up to a property owner to ensure that their property is safe for children and anyone on his or her property.

Here are some safety reminders to consider when it comes to outdoor premises.

Backyard Pools

Pools can be endlessly fun and refreshing, but they can also be deadly if the right precautions are not taken. One of the ways to keep unaccompanied kids or pets out of the water is by installing a safety fence around the pool. These fences can prevent the unintentional drowning of anyone who may fall into the pool. In addition to providing supervision at all times when children are near or in the pool, it might be beneficial to homeowners with pools to make sure that any children in the home take professional swim lessons and any teens or adults become certified in CPR. Limit or prohibit the use of alcohol when there are swimmers on your property, as you never know when your assistance may be needed.

Fire Pits

We only get a few colder days in South Florida, but many residents opt to build fire pits on their property for warmth and campsite-style entertainment. It’s important to always take fires seriously, as they can spread rapidly and destroy anything in their path. Make sure that you never build the fire close to your house or any structure on the property. Always keep water and a shovel nearby in order to quickly put out any fire that is out-of-control. Make sure that any leaves or other dried materials such as wood are not nearby where they could catch fire unintentionally. Finally, consider investing in a mesh covering and surround your fire with materials that are less flammable, such as rocks.

Outdoor Premises Liability

The overarching idea of premise liability is that you have a responsibility to maintain a safe premise at all times, for invited guests and also for uninvited trespassers. Take time to inspect your property regularly, because as an owner, you also have the obligation to know about dangers on your property. If you become aware of a potential hazard, you must take the steps necessary to fix it, or provide a proper warning to guests that the danger exists. If you fail to do these things, you may be liable for an injury sustained by someone else on your property.

In the event that you or someone you know was injured on the property of someone who acted negligently by not providing a safe environment for guests and repairing or providing warnings of an unsafe condition, you may be eligible to receive compensation for your injuries. Please contact us for a free consultation to discuss your situation. We can be reached at (305) 662-6178.




Panterlaw. (2016, October 24). Premises Liability in Florida. Retrieved from https://panterlaw.com/news-resources/premises-liability-in-florida/

Panterlaw. (2016, December 21). Pool Safety Tips. Retrieved from https://panterlaw.com/2012/06/25/pool-safety-tips/

Panterlaw. (2018, November 20). Fire Pit Safety. Retrieved from https://panterlaw.com/2018/11/20/fire-pit-safety/


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