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The Dangers of Vaping, E-Cigarettes, and Juuling

The Dangers of Vaping, E-Cigarettes, and Juuling

The Dangers of Vaping, E-Cigarettes, and Juuling 150 150 Panter, Panter & Sampedro

E Cigarette 1301664 960 720What once was thought to be a “safer” alternative to smoking has now been shown to carry many of the same carcinogens and toxins found in real cigarettes. Many folks have turned to e-cigarettes as a way to curb or destroy a smoking habit, but with some harmful toxins found in these products, which often have light and fruity flavors, both teens and adults may be inhaling dangerous and addictive substances through one of the many vaping tools available on the market.

Studies Show E-Cigarettes Aren’t That Safe

Recent health studies have shown that even e-cigarettes contain dangerous toxins that can cause cancer, similar to the cancer-causing agents in real cigarettes. These chemicals are found in larger amounts in the fruit flavorings of some e-cigarettes, where levels of the chemical “acrylonitrile” are higher than in other types of flavoring. Through one CDC study, it was shown that kids who used e-cigarettes had much higher levels of these chemicals than kids who did not “vape.”

It is shown that these devices do not contain just simple water vapor, but also enough nicotine to potentially lead to an addiction and use of other types of nicotine products. In the recent CDC study, 20% of high school students admitted to using at least one tobacco product, and most of those were e-cigarettes. The study also found that 11% of those students said that had used a product in the past 30 days, which is considered recent use. Unfortunately, the more students regularly use e-cigarettes, the higher their risk of developing an addiction to the substance.

The Dangers of Juuling

A new type of e-cigarette has hit the market, and parents should be extra vigilant. This device may be hard to recognize, as it looks very similar to a flash drive, which makes it easy for kids to take it to school. This trendy “vape” accounted for 33% of the e-cigarette market at the end of 2017 and may be growing ever more popular with the teen crowd.

Each Juul cartridge provides a user with about 200 puffs and contains just as much nicotine as a pack of cigarettes. The flavors in this type of e-cigarette are just as dangerous with cancer-causing chemicals and agents that can cause “popcorn lung,” or a severe respiratory condition that received its name from an outbreak in an old microwave popcorn factory where workers became ill after inhaling the chemicals used to make artificial butter flavor. With the popularity of “Juuling” rising among teens, it’s possible that we will see more of the negative health effects from this smoking habit increase in the coming years.

Potential Vaping Ban in Florida

As more dangers of vaping emerge, we may see a vaping ban soon in indoor public places around Florida; similar to the ban on smoking that we have currently. Commissioner Lisa Carlton has proposed a vaping ban that would take place in all Florida restaurants, offices, and most indoor public settings. She, and others believe that because the second-hand health risks to this activity are still undetermined, it’s not right to put people at risk in public places.

Vaping, Juuling, and other forms of e-cigarettes are rising in popularity, but the health issues associated with these devices are also showing a potential to cause more harm than any good. Moreover, we’ve already seen cases of e-cigarettes exploding causing serious damage to its victims. It’s important to talk to your kids about the dangers of vaping and be aware of any suspicious looking devices around the home. Education is often the key to maintaining a healthy and nicotine-free family.

If you or a family member is seriously injured as a result of an e-cigarette or other product, it’s important to speak with an attorney as soon as possible as you may be entitled to recover for economic and non-economic damages.



Researchers find cancer-causing chemicals in bodies of teen vapers. (n.d.). Retrieved April 03, 2018, from https://nbcnews.com/health/health-news/teen-inhale-cancer-causing-chemicals-e-cigarettes-n853611

Rehman, N., & Reynolds, A. (2018, March 05). Teens using e-cigarettes show evidence of same toxic chemicals as smokers: Study. Retrieved April 03, 2018, from http://abcnews.go.com/Health/teens-cigarettes-show-evidence-toxic-chemicals-smokers-study/story?id=53537714

Ducharme, J. (2018, March 27). Teens Are ‘Juuling’ At School. Here’s What That Means. Retrieved April 03, 2018, from http://time.com/5211536/what-is-juuling/


Kennedy, J. (2018, March 20). Florida could add vaping to indoor smoking ban. Retrieved April 03, 2018, from http://heraldtribune.com/news/20180320/florida-could-add-vaping-to-indoor-smoking-ban







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