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Hazardous conditions demand action to hold the owner accountable

Hazardous conditions demand action to hold the owner accountable

Hazardous conditions demand action to hold the owner accountable 150 150 Panter, Panter & Sampedro

When you are going to a business or another person’s property, you should be able to take care of your trip without having to worry about maneuvering through an unsafe property. In fact, in Florida, property owners have a duty to keep their property safe. There are several things that can make a property hazardous. Some of these include building code violations, negligent repair, and negligent maintenance.

We understand that most people don’t go somewhere with the expectation of being harmed. We know that you likely didn’t expect to walk into danger while you were on your trip. When you are injured on someone else’s property because of hazardous conditions, you might choose to seek compensation for your injuries.

Seeking compensation is about more than just getting money. When you seek compensation, you are taking a stand against the things that should have been corrected. For example, if the property owner knew that there were building code violations in a building and failed to correct those, seeking compensation can hold that property owner accountable for the decision to not correct the issues.

Of course, seeking compensation can also help you to reduce the out-of-pocket expenses you have because of your injuries. While you will likely have bills to pay for the injuries, those costs can be taken out of the compensation if you end up being compensated for the accident. This can often include not only medical bills, but also missed wages and other damages that are directly related to the accident and the injuries that you suffered because of the hazardous conditions.

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