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Motorcyclists aren’t to blame for the majority of accidents

Motorcyclists aren’t to blame for the majority of accidents

Motorcyclists aren’t to blame for the majority of accidents 150 150 Panter, Panter & Sampedro

You may have heard a driver blame you for an accident because you were the person on the motorcycle at the time, but is that true? You know it wasn’t, because the driver made a mistake that caused you injuries. Your attorney may have to fight for your right to the compensation you need because of the other driver’s claims, but it’s important to know that’s not the only driver who feels that motorcyclists are more likely to be in the wrong.

According to the Florida Department of Transportation, motorists in trucks and cars are actually most likely to be at fault in a motorcycle accident. They tend to fail to yield to the smaller vehicles, leading to the collisions. The number of accidents involving motorcycles is on the rise, and this, according to one rider, could be attributed to the number of distracted drivers using their cellphones on the road.

Drivers tend to think of motorcyclists as reckless, but the fact is that after looking at 10 years of motorcycle crashes in Florida, 60 percent of the crashes were caused by the other vehicles involved. Motorcyclists aren’t always expected on the roads, and that’s why there tend to be more accidents overall.

Statistics show that most motorcycle accidents involve other vehicles, and severe and fatal accidents are more likely to be the fault of the four-wheeled vehicle’s driver. The drivers are often trying to make left-hand turns when they collide with the motorcyclist. Sometimes, motorcycles seem like they’re traveling slower than they are, too, and that can cause people’s perceptions to be incorrect. Pulling out may seem safe, but then the vehicle is too close and it’s too late to stop or get out of the way. Our website has more information on crashes and how you can get the money you need after an accident.

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