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Who is held liable for indoor slip-and-fall accidents?

Who is held liable for indoor slip-and-fall accidents?

Who is held liable for indoor slip-and-fall accidents? 150 150 Panter, Panter & Sampedro

Slip-and-fall accidents can happen anywhere — from your workplace floor where water has gathered from a leaky sink to the entrance of a museum where many people have walked and dragged in snow and ice that melted over time. Slip-and-fall accidents can be very dangerous for those impacted. Head injuries, back injuries, broken bones and other issues can result from a sudden trip or slip.

In your workplace or any workplace you visit, there should be safety procedures in place to prevent serious injuries from slipping and falling. For instance, if the floors have just been polished, there may be a notice that the surfaces could be slick. Likewise, if the floors are wet and drying, there should also be a sign present.

If wet floors and slick flooring aren’t marked appropriately, people who slip can suffer head injuries, like traumatic brain injuries, concussions, symptoms of memory loss and other conditions, or they could break bones by landing incorrectly. Catching yourself with your hands, for example, could result in a fracture of the wrists. A slip could twist or break ankles, too.

A property owner has a responsibility to workers and those visiting the premises to keep it safe. If the property owner was aware of the dangers of the property and failed to warn others, then it’s very likely that he or she can be held liable for your injuries. Negligence must be proven in some cases, so if you can prove that the area wasn’t maintained properly, then your attorney may be able to make a better case on your behalf.

Source: FindLaw, “Indoor Slip and Fall Accident Conditions,” accessed Oct. 15, 2015

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