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Florida accident kills tourist, 2 others suffer personal injury

Florida accident kills tourist, 2 others suffer personal injury

Florida accident kills tourist, 2 others suffer personal injury 150 150 Panter, Panter & Sampedro

When a Florida resident is injured through the negligent or wrongful actions of another person, he or she is typically entitled to file a legal claim in a civil court. Those who suffer personal injury in traffic accidents or other catastrophic events have the right to pursue legal action against a person or group of persons deemed liable for their injuries. In a recent case involving a group of pedestrians, a newly retired vacationer was struck and killed by a vehicle while two others were injured in the tragedy.

The  accident occurred when a recently retired hospital executive was vacationing in Florida with his wife. They, along with another woman, were reportedly walking along a sidewalk when a vehicle veered off the road and struck them. The man was transported to a nearby hospital with severe head trauma. Sadly, he later succumbed to his injuries.

It was reported that the man’s wife and the other woman with them on the sidewalk suffered injuries in the accident. Both are listed in stable conditions. Police investigations into the tragic accident are ongoing, and early reports suggest that the 68-year-old driver might have experienced a medical episode just before losing control of his vehicle.

Florida residents injured in accidents similar to the one described in this case who wish to pursue filing a personal injury claim in court may begin the process by consulting a legal professional who has experience in personal injury and wrongful death cases. A driver who loses control of his or her motor vehicle, even if seemingly caused by a medical condition, are typically responsible for the financial damages that result. A successfully litigated claim could bring compensation that would help alleviate some of the financial burdens often brought about by ongoing medical treatment and recovery care costs incurred after a car accident. When a death has been caused by an accident, the immediate family members who survive the deceased are able to file a claim on behalf of his or her estate. Doing so might lead to court-awarded compensation that could help absorb funeral costs and other damages suffered through the untimely death of a loved one.

Source: bangordailynews.com, “Newly retired Maine hospital executive killed in Florida crash“, March 20, 2015

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