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Woman dies from personal injury in switch-seat crash

Woman dies from personal injury in switch-seat crash

Woman dies from personal injury in switch-seat crash 150 150 Panter, Panter & Sampedro

Florida police have finally found the man that was responsible for a fatal car crash that happened in the Florida Keys in May 2013. Police issued a warrant for his arrest, and the 24-year-old man turned himself in on Sept. 19, He is currently at the Plantation Key Jail on a $155,000 bond.

The crash occurred when a 22-year-old Miami woman was traveling north on Highway 1 with the man as passenger. The woman struck another car as she pulled out of the highway. They pulled over and the driver of the other vehicle asked for insurance information. The woman asked if the driver would accept money instead. He refused and when he turned around, the woman and man in the car switched seats and took off.

The man drove north and hit a taxi head-on that was traveling in the southbound lane. The car stopped at a utility pole and the taxi’s engine caught fire. Firefighters were able to put out the flames. The man and the woman, however, were stuck inside the car. Firefighters freed them and they were taken to a local hospital for treatment. The woman died later that night from personal injury caused by the accident.

The man faces multiple charges for his role in the accident, including driving under the influence, manslaughter, vehicular homicide, serious bodily injury, property damage and leaving an accident scene.

Although the man faces criminal charges, the punishment he faces will not compensate his victims and their families. That’s why they have the legal right to file civil lawsuits against the man. What about the family of the deceased woman? Even though the woman participated in leaving the scene of the previous accident, her family may still be able to pursue civil recourse against the man. An attorney would be able to advise the victims of their options and rights in this case.

Miami Herald, “Miami man charged in fatal switch-seat crash in the Keys” No author given, Sep. 20, 2013

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