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5 Safety Tips for Your Next Cruise

Cruise Ship 1218305 960 720Taking a family cruise can be a whole lot of fun and can give you a ton of great memories to reflect on later. However, even though vacations are a time to kick back and relax, it’s important to review and follow safety guidelines. Cruise ships are large vessels out on the water and require an abundance of caution when you are a passenger.

If you plan on taking a cruise with your family in the near future, here are some safety tips to review before you embark on your journey.

Drink Alcohol Responsibly

Abusing alcohol is where many people get into trouble on a cruise ship. Although the environment is seemingly safe and you don’t have to drive home after you’ve been at the bar, you still do need to exercise caution when drinking aboard a ship. From a slip-and-fall accident to more heinous crimes such as robbery or rape, there can still be dangerous situations on a ship when you mix in alcohol. Always remember that there are hundreds or thousands of strangers on the boat who may not have the best intentions. Therefore, it’s important to be aware of how alcohol is affecting you on your cruise.

Pay Attention During Safety Drills

Never skip the fundamental safety drills where you will get the most updated information about what to do in the event of an emergency on the ship. Pay attention to staff members who offer safety information or ask you to complete an action for your safety.

Additionally, make sure you and your family members know where all lifeboats, life jackets, and other safety features are located. If you and your children are separated during an emergency on the boat, ensure that they know which staff to look for and where they can get to safety quickly.

Pay Attention on Land

When you leave the ship for excursions, make sure you are extremely cautious and never let your guard down. If you decide to take a taxi or explore a location on your own, the cruise line may not be able to guarantee your safety. Keep in mind that you may be in a foreign country that does not have the same safety regulations as the U.S. and ensure that you act accordingly. Injuries sustained during these excursions may not be covered by your insurance, so you want to take all necessary precautions to avoid getting hurt or incurring a substantial financial burden due to an accident.

Stay in Your Cabin During Rough Seas

Although it may be tempting to wander around if the weather gets bad while you are on the ship, avoid the temptation and stay in your cabin. Your cabin will be the safest place away from potential debris and slippery surfaces. Do not go on deck if the seas are rough, as the ship may rock from side-to-side. Avoid the bar or other areas that may have objects that could come off the shelves and become projectiles if the ship is tossing on the sea.

Keep Your Guard Up

The bottom line in all of these safety reminders is to keep your guard up on the ship and when you take excursions off the ship. Cruise ships may seem like safe, contained environments, but it is still possible to sustain an injury if you are not cautious. Keep your family safe by making sure your cabin doors are always shut and locked, and that children understand the dangers involved in being on a large vessel at sea.

If you decide to take a cruise, the first thing you should keep in mind is the safety of your family, and then make sure that you have a great time. If you are injured on the ship due to the negligence of someone else or the cruise operator, you should contact an attorney who specializes in cruise ship legal matters.



9 Tips for Staying Safe on a Cruise Ship. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Frenaye, J. (2005, December 31). 9 tips for cruise safety. Retrieved from

Sylvester, P. (2015, May 15). The cruise ship is sinking – and what to do next. Retrieved from




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