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Hit by a teen? You can file a claim for compensation

Teens are new to driving, which can explain away many of the issues they initially face. Losing control of a vehicle, being distracted, and even breaking some speed limits is to be expected when they’re learning to drive. The problem is that some teens don’t take driving seriously, and they put other people’s lives at risk.

While people between the ages of 15 and 24 represent around 24 percent of the population of the United States, they also account for around 30 percent of the costs associated with motor vehicle injuries for men and around 28 percent of all costs for women.

Male teens are most at risk of being involved in accidents when they’re between the ages of 16 and 19. If they have passengers in their vehicles, then that also increases the risk of being in an accident. Newly licensed teens can also be a danger to others, because they’re still getting used to their vehicles and the roads.

Teens are more likely to make mistakes than others, which is why they can be a danger to people. Speeding is a common mistake that results in collisions. In fact, for male drivers between 15 and 20 years old involved in fatal crashes, 35 percent were found to have been speeding at the time of the accident. On top of that, another 25 percent had been drinking before the accident.

If you’ve been struck by an unsafe driver, you deserve to be heard. Our website has more information about what steps to take next to file your claim.

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