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Seeking compensation for damages in defective products cases

In Florida and throughout the United States, a manufacturer or seller can be held accountable for any injury or illness you have suffered through normal use of a purchased product. Defective products are the cause of thousands of injuries and deaths each year. Those who have suffered in similar circumstances will want to know that they have recourse under the law through their right to file legal claims against the party or parties deemed responsible for injuries, illnesses or deaths.

The Law Office of Panter, Panter & Sampedro, P.A., believes that it is important to hold the makers of dangerous products accountable for the harm those products have caused to consumers. Manufacturers are obligated to foresee potential hazards that might be associated with an item or items on their product line. Appropriate warning and instruction labels are required to be placed on all products that may cause a risk to those who will use them.

If you have suffered injury or illness, or the untimely death of a loved one due to a poorly designed or mislabeled product, you can contact our legal team for a free consultation if you are considering filing a personal injury or wrongful death claim in a civil court. Whether your case involves faulty automobile parts, tainted food items or prescription/non-prescription drugs, we can provide an assessment and launch a thorough investigation in order to identify all possible sources of liability. Endangering consumers is a serious matter and our dedicated team of attorneys is prepared to go to battle on your behalf as you seek compensation for the damages you’ve sustained.

In a recent construction case involving a scissor lift, the Panter, Panter & Sampedro, P.A., attorneys successfully obtained a $1.7 million verdict for their clients. Our toll free phone number allows you to reach our Miami office from any Florida location. Our defective products cases are contingency based; this means that you pay no fees unless we achieve a verdict or settlement on your behalf.

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