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Who is the most likely to be bitten by a dog?

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Every year, many people are injured by dog bites. Dog bite prevention is one way the state tries to prevent these accidents from taking place. Each year, one week out of the year is used as a National Dog Bite Prevention Week and takes the time to discuss dog bites and how they’ve affected people in the United States.

Looking at the statistics for the United States, you can see that children are the most likely to be injured by dog bites. Those between the ages of 1 and 9 are more likely to be bitten than those of any other age. Boys within that age range are more likely to be injured than girls, according to Florida Health.

Where are these children usually bitten? You may think on the hands or arms, but the fact is that these children most commonly suffer bites to the head or neck, putting them at a higher risk of serious injury. By looking at an in-depth analysis of 799 dog bites reported to the Florida Department of Health in Bay County, you can see that children under the age of 6 were most likely to be bitten by a dog between 2009 and 2010. In the same year, boys between 6 and 14 were also likely to be bitten.

Most of the time, the dog bites involving those under 6 took place with a pet or dog known to the family. Around 50 percent happened at home, showing how important it can be to monitor your children with your pets, even when they’re normally well-behaved.

Source: Florida Health, “Dog Bite Prevention,” accessed Aug. 27, 2015

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