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What are common workplace hazards?

If workplace hazards can be identified early enough, it’s possible to prevent injuries from taking place. Simply knowing which parts of your workplace are dangerous can make you be more careful, so you don’t injure yourself accidentally. Hazards are a part of every day in the workplace, but what exactly are they?

There are several main kinds of workplace hazards. Physical hazards are the first thing that you probably think of. These are things like exposed moving parts that could cut you or pull you into machinery, exposed electrical cords that could electrocute you, or vibrations that could force screws and bolts loose, causing an accident.

Another kind of hazard you could run into is an ergonomic hazard. These hazards include any movements that can result in injury to you due to your position. For instance, improper lifting and frequent lifting movements, poor lighting, and poorly designed workstations can all be ergonomic hazards.

Chemical and biological hazards also exist. These include things like being exposed to gases or liquids that can burn or cause other injuries to you. Things like acids would be considered to be chemical hazards. Biological hazards include things such as blood, animal droppings, bacteria, or viruses, like you may find in a laboratory or hospital.

Hazards should always be reported immediately, so they can be repaired in whatever way is necessary. If you’re injured by one, you could be left unable to work or ill for quite some time. Protecting your interests after an injury will be necessary to make sure you get the right care following an incident.

Source: Take One Step, “Workplace Hazards,” accessed June 04, 2015

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