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Breast augmentation leads to medical malpractice suit

Many women have gotten breast implants and suffered no major issues. One Miami teen’s breast augmentation – a routine procedure – left her in a coma. As a result, she suffered brain damage and now requires 24-hour care from her family. They are now suing for medical malpractice.

The 18-year-old underwent the surgery in August at Coral Gables Cosmetic Center. After the surgery was over, the woman starting experiencing complications and went into a coma. She remained in a coma for two months.

Doctors advised her family to take her off life support due to the extent of the brain damage she suffered. When they did, the woman awoke from her coma. Her family was eventually able to take her home, where they have been caring for her constantly. The woman can no longer walk and becomes depressed when she sees her limitations. She also cannot talk, use the restroom or eat on her own. She has a 4-year-old son whom she can no longer care for. Her family is seeking custody of him.

The cosmetic surgery center claims that the woman suffered complications from anesthesia during childbirth and did not disclose these issues. However, the family’s lawyer denies this claim. Although the surgeon has no previous medical malpractice claims, the anesthesiologist was involved in a prior malpractice claim – one that led to the death of a patient.

The woman should not have suffered such serious damage from a routine procedure. Mistakes do happen in the medical field, but causing a healthy teen to suffer brain damage is inexcusable. Compensation from a lawsuit could help the family care for the woman and her child.

SourceFOX News Latino, “Boob Job Leaves Miami Teen With Brain Damage; Family Sues Clinic For Malpractice” No author given, Feb. 04, 2014

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