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Woman files medical malpractice suit after lipo laser burns

Many Florida women struggle with extra weight after giving birth. They may try to fight it with the traditional ways – through diet and exercise – or get liposuction. Advances in medical technology have brought us the laser liposuction procedure. It produces the same results but results in less downtime, which makes it attractive to busy women. However, if done incorrectly, it can lead to serious burns. One New York woman found this out the hard way after she suffered third-degree burns after undergoing the procedure by a careless doctor.

The 26-year-old Bronx woman underwent laser liposuction in December 2011 just months after giving birth to a son. The procedure was being performed by a 56-year-old OB/GYN from Upper Manhattan. After the procedure, the doctor sent the woman home with medication. The next day, she returned after suffering extreme pain and swelling in the back and stomach. The doctor reassured her that everything was fine and gave her a cream.

The woman had to be taken to the hospital two days later after passing out from the pain. The doctor saw her in his office right away and gave her a burn cream to use. The woman got a second opinion and was treated for severe burns. She also needed skin grafting surgery.

The doctor’s wife and son were afraid the woman might sue, so they snuck into the hospital and tried to convince her to withhold legal action. The woman proceeded with a medical malpractice suit anyway. She has undergone several surgeries but still shows severe signs of scarring. The case is currently in court, and the state is deciding if the doctor’s license should be removed.

It can be frustrating to undergo what is considered a minimally invasive medical procedure and end up disfigured for life. The woman has the right to sue for the doctor’s negligence. A lawsuit could help her obtain the compensation she needs for medical expenses, lost wages and other damages.

Source: New York Daily News, “EXCLUSIVE: Manhattan OB/GYN scorches patient with lipo laser — sued for malpractice” Joe Kemp, Oct. 16, 2013

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